
How do I install the dependencies

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Dheemanth A.N.
22 Apr, 2023, 05:33

I'm a noob and this is my first time contributing to an Open Source project.I was going through Appwrite's Contributing guide and was followed all the instructions .

  1. Cloned the repo and then,

In the docs,it says: To set up a working development environment, just fork the project git repository and install the backend and frontend dependencies using the proper package manager and create run the docker-compose stack.

How do I install the dependencies ?What is the command that I need to run ? Kindly help.

User is asking for help on how to install dependencies for an open-source project called Appwrite. They followed the instructions in the contributing guide but are unsure about the specific command to use. In a later message, they mention having DNS resolution issues but resolved it by pointing their servers to Google's public DNS. User thanks the forum for their help. Solution: The user can follow the instructions in the contributing guide and use the appropriate package manager to install the backend and frontend dependencies. They can then run the docker-compose stack.
22 Apr, 2023, 08:02

hi - the commands must be written after the paragraph

Dheemanth A.N.
23 Apr, 2023, 04:09

Hey ....I tried the following commands yesterday ,but for some reason ,it was failing .Then I asked a question in the docker forum regarding the same and turns out ,there was an error with the resolution of DNS from my end .I pointed my servers to Google's public DNS now and the commands work .

Thanks for responding .Have a great day.


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