why is phone not available in membership? https://appwrite.io/docs/models/membership
Of the last 4 apps I've developed with appwrite, it has a boring repetition. I always need to create a collection to store shared user data, such as phone, photo and address. The user has Preferences can't we have a shared preferences accessible in the membership?
Hi - I understand your thoughts on this. What is your use case?
my use case is very simple, I want to create a list of my users (https://appwrite.io/docs/client/teams?sdk=web-default#teamsListMemberships) like this:
Are you using teams for permissions?
i see. ya...personally, i don't even like email being included in the team memberships because there are cases where i may want to prevent people from seeing other people's emails
so if the user had a shared preference I think it would make it easier. It's just an idea to avoid creating a new collection + cloud function to update
Users were meant to be private, but here's a related issue on extending users: https://github.com/appwrite/appwrite/issues/4805
Thank you, that's right, I voted
I'll mark it as solved because we have nothing to do but wait to be accepted for the project
[SOLVED] membership
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