
Need help with creating database schema

  • 0
  • Databases
  • Web
Pradip Chaudhary
20 Apr, 2023, 04:41

I want a new database to be created when a new user is created and I should be able to get the database ID when user logs in and then only that user should be able to perform operations on that database. But I'm facing issue with linking the new database with user Any idea how to do it?

User wants to create a new database when a new user is created and link it to that user. They are facing issues with linking the new database with the user. A possible solution could be to use a login function that triggers the event of providing the document ID, which can be stored as a global variable or in any other secure way.
20 Apr, 2023, 09:33

Hi - what issue are you facing?

20 Apr, 2023, 09:35

I opine, you can create a function of creating documents triggered only when a new user (signup ) is done

upon login -> login function can trigger the event of giving you document ID - which you can maybe choose to be a global variable ? (not safe) but in any other way


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