
Logging Out and To-Do VueJS Example

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18 Apr, 2023, 21:00

How does one log a user out and does creating a new account create a session? && Is there an updated VueJS project? The todo list is still using vuex which has been outdated for a while now for Pinia AFAIK, but would love to see an example of it

User is asking for opinions on Pinia's new Component API style of doing stores. User has implemented a store for an app in Vue using Vuex. User is unsure if their implementation is the correct way. User wants to know how to log a user out and if creating a new account creates a session. User is also looking for an updated VueJS project that uses Pinia instead of Vuex. Solution: Unfortunately, no solution provided in the thread.
18 Apr, 2023, 21:05

I implemented a store for an app in vue, you can check it here :

but I'm not sure if this is the perfect way of doing things

18 Apr, 2023, 21:06

What's your opinion on Pinia's new Component API style way of doing stores? is it worth it to use?

18 Apr, 2023, 21:07

apparently it means you can create watchers for values?

18 Apr, 2023, 21:07

Humm I don't know about it 🤔

18 Apr, 2023, 21:10

it seems I used the alternative way of doing it but I didn't realised haha ! It's working fine though


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