
[SOLVED] Unhandled Exception: WebSocketException

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18 Apr, 2023, 09:02

appwrite: ^9.0.0 ## flutter appwrite package version

E/flutter ( 5044): [ERROR:flutter/runtime/] Unhandled Exception: WebSocketException: Connection to [LINK] was not upgraded to websocket.

I am building a flutter app with Riverpod state management.

<code>sample code </code>

final appWriteRealtimeProvider = Provider((ref) { final client =; return Realtime(client); });

final getLatestEweetProvider = StreamProvider((ref) { final eweetAPI =; return eweetAPI.getLatestEweet(); });

@override Stream<RealtimeMessage> getLatestEweet() { return _realtime.subscribe([ 'databases.${KAppWrite.databaseId}.collections.${KAppWrite.eweetsCollection}.documents' ]).stream; }

// UI class EweetList extends ConsumerWidget { const EweetList({super.key});

@override Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) { return data: (eweets) { return data: (data) { return ListView.builder( itemCount: eweets.length, itemBuilder: (c, i) { return Text(i.toString()); }, ); }, error: (e, st) { log("STack trace is ${st}"); return ErrorText(error: e.toString()); }, loading: () { return ListView.builder( itemCount: eweets.length, itemBuilder: (c, i) { return TweetCard(tweet: eweets[i]); }, ); }, ); }, error: (e, st) { log("STack trace is ${st}"); return ErrorText(error: e.toString()); }, loading: () => Loader(), ); } }

The issue is that the endpoint in the .env file is incorrect. It should be `http://[MY IP]/v1` instead of `http://[MY IP]/80/v1`. Check the `_APP_OPTIONS_FORCE_HTTPS` env var for Appwrite, as it should be set to a value. Make sure there is nothing running between the app and Appwrite. Additionally, for nicer formatting, wrap code in backticks (`) and use three backticks for multiline code. Lastly, the correct spelling is Appwrite, not AppWrite. Solution: Update the endpoint in the .env file and check the `_APP
18 Apr, 2023, 17:29

FYI, it's best to wrap code in backticks to format a bit nicer. You can use 1 backtick for inline code ( and 3 backticks for multiline code (

And, it's Appwrite, not AppWrite. 😛

Lastly, what's your code for the appwriteClientProvider? And do you have anything running in between your app and Appwrite?

18 Apr, 2023, 17:34

Ok that is good advice. I am just a beginner that is why.

18 Apr, 2023, 17:34
final appWriteClientProvider = Provider((ref) {
  Client client = Client();
  return client
      .setSelfSigned(status: false);
18 Apr, 2023, 17:35

no worries! welcome!

18 Apr, 2023, 17:36

And there is noting in between the appwrite and the app. i am running from docker

18 Apr, 2023, 17:36

this looks mostly okay...what's your endpoint url?

18 Apr, 2023, 17:37

and what do you have set for the _APP_OPTIONS_FORCE_HTTPS env var for Appwrite?

18 Apr, 2023, 17:38

APP_WRITE_END_POINT=http://[MY IP]/80/v1 APP_WRITE_PROJECT_ID=6439bcdd4a97e9e4f785 APP_WRITE_DATABASE_ID=6439be5d13e3905d2cae APP_WRITE_USERS_COLLECTION_ID=643b112314651dfe809a APP_WRITE_EWEETS_COLLECTION_ID=643d33309b8f9a4e369f

18 Apr, 2023, 17:38

_APP_OPTIONS_FORCE_HTTPS i have not setted anything here

18 Apr, 2023, 17:50

http://[MY IP]/80/v1 doesn't look right. I think it should be http://[MY IP]/v1

18 Apr, 2023, 17:50

There should be some value set in the .env file

18 Apr, 2023, 18:01

Oh Thank you so much it worked, like you said the problem was the extra 80.

18 Apr, 2023, 18:19

[SOLVED] Unhandled Exception: WebSocketException


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