
how to store 2d arrays?

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  • Databases
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17 Apr, 2023, 08:55

as the title asks, how can I store 2d string arrays in the DB? appwrite only supports to store 1d array. I tried doing it. but it says Attribute has invalid types. Value must be a valid string

There currently isn't a built-in way to store 2D arrays in Appwrite. However, one potential solution is to use a Varchar attribute and manually parse the array yourself. This would involve converting the 2D array to a string and then storing it as a Varchar attribute.
17 Apr, 2023, 12:29

I don't think you can do such a thing with Appwrite

Eventually array it's just a syntactic sugar way that Appwrite manipulate text for you.

That's mean that if you want to have a complex array you can create Varchar attribute and parse it manually

17 Apr, 2023, 14:56

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