
Retrieve Session via Web-SDK without Cookies

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  • Accounts
  • Web
14 Apr, 2023, 06:30


This is probably an edge case for Appwrite but is it possible to use the Web SDK getSession without cookie functionality?

The application is currently a NodeJS Console App, using the Server SDK is not feasible as accounts are created externally and API Keys is not an option.

Creating a Session via the email session function works just fine (it obviously doesn't save a cookie)


            let credentails = process.env.LOGIN_CREDENTIALS.split(":");
            console.log(color.yellow("** Authenticating with master server using provided credentials **"));
            session = await account.createEmailSession(

            console.log(color.yellow(`** Logged in as ${session.providerUid}`));

Now onto the part I am getting stuck on:

I noticed there is an getSession(sessionId: string) function in the Account class, unfortunately it crashes Appwrite as it cannot read the cookie for obvious reasons.

appwriteexception: User (role: guests) missing scope (account)    at Client.<anonymous> (/workspace/**/node_modules/appwrite/dist/cjs/sdk.js:393:27)    at (<anonymous>)    at fulfilled (/workspace/**/node_modules/appwrite/dist/cjs/sdk.js:24:58)    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) {  code: 401,  type: 'general_unauthorized_scope',  response: {    message: 'User (role: guests) missing scope (account)',    code: 401,    type: 'general_unauthorized_scope',    version: '1.3.1'  }}

My question is: Is it possible to:

1st, verify a session by session id without a cookie 2nd, get user details by session id without a cookie

I know that using the Web SDK is not the proper way, but I haven't found a way to authenticate without exposing an api key to users, as it is a public image.

The user is trying to retrieve a session via the Web SDK without using cookies. They have found a hacky solution by polyfilling the localStorage using node-localstorage. The issue of not being able to generate a JWT without an active session cookie is raised. A suggestion is made to try sending an HTTP request without using the SDK. The user is encountering an error when using the session.$id variable. They ask if it's possible to use the Web SDK getSession function without cookie functionality and if it's possible to verify a session and get user details by session ID without a cookie. The user acknowledges that using the Web SDK is not the
14 Apr, 2023, 06:40

you can get the session by sessionId using getSession(sessionId: string)

14 Apr, 2023, 06:40

I don't understand why it would try to read cookie

14 Apr, 2023, 06:40

it only reads the cookie when you pass "current" as the session

14 Apr, 2023, 06:41

thats what I've tried, according to SO it tries to read a cookie (though I cannot confirm via the source code).

I get message: 'User (role: guests) missing scope (account)', when using the session.$id variable

14 Apr, 2023, 06:41

alternatively if that's a bug you can try sending an http request without the sdk

14 Apr, 2023, 06:41

you will require a JWT though

14 Apr, 2023, 06:42

yeah JWT is an issue right now, as I cannot generate one without an active session cookie :/

14 Apr, 2023, 06:42

ah that's why the error

14 Apr, 2023, 06:43

JWT wouldnt be a big deal if I could retrieve session details by ID, that way I can store the SID in a file locally

14 Apr, 2023, 06:46
14 Apr, 2023, 07:11

Alright so this issue has been solved in a hacky way:

I've polyfilled the localStorage using node-localstorage and the following 3 lines:


global.window = {
    console: {warn: (() => {})},
    localStorage: new localstorage.LocalStorage(process.env.STORAGE_PATH ?? "../sessions")

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