
[SOLVED] How to get an asset image in a Dart Function?

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  • Functions
12 Apr, 2023, 05:32

Hi, I need to access an image file in my dart function. The file is in the lib folder just like the main.dart but all the paths I have tried didn't work like lib/image.png or just image.png. Any ideas? Thanks

I am sending an email with an attachment, the mailer package says to use File('/path/to/file') but the image is never included in the emails that get sent.

User is looking for a way to access an asset image in a Dart function. There are suggestions to try using File('lib/file.png'), but it does not work. User is advised that the assets feature is specific to Flutter and may not be available in a Dart app. A reference to the Appwrite documentation is provided. User confirms using Appwrite storage as an option. User considers using node mailer instead but prefers Dart. User prints the default directory path and discovers it to be "/usr/code-start". User wonders if there is a way to reference a file outside of the main.dart. Another user mentions that assets are for Flutter.
12 Apr, 2023, 06:43

Hi - it needs to be in assets as made compulsory by Flutter, adding some source codes for reference:

12 Apr, 2023, 13:57

Hi. Thanks for the references but I can't seem to find what I'm looking for. Is there a specific example using a Dart function to access an asset? Thanks.

12 Apr, 2023, 14:03

lemme check once

12 Apr, 2023, 17:54

that assets stuff is for Flutter...I'm not even sure if you can have assets in a dart app...

12 Apr, 2023, 18:00

oh ok. There has to be a way in dart to reference a file outside of the main.dart. I tried using File('lib/file.png') noting works. I guess because the path changes after the Function gets compiled?

12 Apr, 2023, 18:03

I did a print statement in the code print(Directory.default.path) and after i looked at the execution logs i got back /usr/code-start

12 Apr, 2023, 18:09

yes, we also compile the code and only move the executable over to the final runtime container for execution

12 Apr, 2023, 18:11

Ok. Might just have to use node mailer instead. I just am way more comfortable with dart. 😟

12 Apr, 2023, 18:12

maybe store your file in Appwrite storage?

12 Apr, 2023, 18:13

Yes. That is an option also, and just reference the file from there.

12 Apr, 2023, 18:21

Made it work using that method. Thanks.

12 Apr, 2023, 18:21

[SOLVED] How to get an asset image in a Dart Function?


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