
[SOLVED] Octernship deadline confirmation

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Isaac Marti
11 Apr, 2023, 17:17

I remember seeing my octernship task's deadline as May, but now it seems to be the 15th of April. When is the deadline, if April 15 will I be having extra time- maybe till May! (my octernship task: simple notes app)

There was confusion about the deadline for submitting the octernship task. The initial date of May 15th was a mistake and the actual deadline is April 15th. The task is for a simple notes app.
11 Apr, 2023, 17:20

Hi - it was always 15th April to submit the task

11 Apr, 2023, 17:22

After that it was the review time

11 Apr, 2023, 17:29

So, you would have to submit your task by 15th april

11 Apr, 2023, 22:13

The May 15th date was initially added by mistake, as that is the internship start date, not the application start date 🙂 So it is in fact April 15th. All the updates, announcements/Q&A is posted here: Which GitHub should have sent to everyone 🙂

11 Apr, 2023, 22:14

(It wasn't clear on our end submitting the info to github) My apologies!

11 Apr, 2023, 22:14

[SOLVED] Octernship deadline confirmation

Isaac Marti
12 Apr, 2023, 01:57

Oh, thanks


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