
Hosting .well-known/assetlinks.json for Flutter Deep Linking

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  • Android
  • Flutter
9 Apr, 2023, 10:02


The user is seeking help with hosting .well-known/assetlinks.json for Flutter deep linking. They are discussing the possibility of using a web platform on Appwrite console and adding the domain where the files are hosted. The user is unsure if this approach will work for both iOS and Android. One user suggests using Cloudflare with CF serverless functions to solve the issue, but the user explains that they cannot have multiple DNS records with the same subdomain name. Ultimately, the user is looking for a solution to host the fingerprints for deep linking. No solution is provided in the thread.
9 Apr, 2023, 10:03

Want to host a file within the docker environment for deep linking

9 Apr, 2023, 10:03

want the reset password link to redirect back to my app

21 Nov, 2023, 06:07

same doubt here as well..., instresting that there is mention the step in Appwrite Doc

21 Nov, 2023, 06:08

how could same domain can point to two server be pointed? It can't, so how could we verify custom domian as well as also host the file together?

21 Nov, 2023, 10:49

@Vedsaga What do you mean with that same domain should point to two servers? Why would it be important?

21 Nov, 2023, 11:02

I mean same domain can't point to two servers...

21 Nov, 2023, 11:05

deep-linking ( app-link ) for android and ( universal-linking ) for iOS need domain owner and app owner to host fingerprint so, that when website is loaded on the browser and if app exist then app could be opened... because bundle-id and domain is being binded...

21 Nov, 2023, 11:07

but because currenlty, DNS point to appwrite cloud instance, it is not possible to have another DNS record with same subdomain name pointing to self hosted instance... So, issue is how could I host the fingerprints ?

21 Nov, 2023, 11:11

Oh okay now I understand what do you mean (technically it is possible that one domain can point to multiple servers, but in your case that wouldn't be the best approach). Is it possible to use Cloudflare? Because with Cf serverless functions you would be able to solve these problem

21 Nov, 2023, 11:12

You can create a rule for a specific path and only for that path will you serve the content with Cf functions

21 Nov, 2023, 11:17

Or you can create an Nginx-based proxy server somewhere else and with that you can do nearly the same. You can create a custom rule for the necessary path and server the rest through a proxy tunnel that points to Appwrite.

21 Nov, 2023, 11:51

Have you added a web platform to your flutter project on the appwrite console? If not, you need to add a web platform and provide the domain name you'd want to use for your deep linking.

21 Nov, 2023, 13:11

umm, I wonder not sure how would that solve the issue very intresting... πŸ€”

21 Nov, 2023, 13:12

I mean reverse proxy can't be set... as domain address point to appwrite cloud

21 Nov, 2023, 13:22

Just search for deep link on the support channel and you'll get a better understanding of everything. I have a hobby project (Flutter android only) with app link working but haven't gotten round to getting deep links to work.

21 Nov, 2023, 13:24

thank you, would you tell for what you generally have used the deeplinking is it for redirecting user from your domain to your app correct? in case when they click on the email link or image link etc...

21 Nov, 2023, 13:34

Yes, it was for email verfication. Just add a web platform with the hostname name you'll use for the app link and use that for the hostname when sending the verification link. But note there's a subtle difference between applinks and deeplinks.

21 Nov, 2023, 14:09

yaa, needing it for both iOS and Android... so this approach would seems will only work for Android

21 Nov, 2023, 14:10

It should work for both but I'm just stating that I've only test it on android

21 Nov, 2023, 14:11

I don't think it work for both actually, the process you suggest would only for email verfication may be it seems... but need full Deep-linking capabilities ...

21 Nov, 2023, 14:14

As, would need to host these files to the domain so that browsers on respective platform can read and redirect if link is registered with that domain...

--- apple-app-site-association
--- assetlinks.json
21 Nov, 2023, 14:20

Yes, so add a web platform** (appwrite console not your flutter app)** and add the domain where you're hosting the files. I know, it sounds confusing but just try it. I also argued with Steven (core member) a lot until I tried it. For more context, as I stated earlier just search for past post on deep links in this (support) channel.

21 Nov, 2023, 14:21

ahh, thank you... would try it πŸ™‚

21 Nov, 2023, 20:53

Please try not to post on someone else's old thread. It's best to create a new <#1072905050399191082> post


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