
"Failed to verify JWT. Invalid token: Expired" when getDocument using setKey permission in nodejs

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  • Databases
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8 Apr, 2023, 02:06

Sometimes not often this error occurs.

What puzzled me was that I used the setKey method for authorization, but there was an error with JWT expiration.

Key Code Fragments:

// libs/nodeAppwrite.ts import { Client, Account, Databases, ID, Permission, Role, Query, Users, } from 'node-appwrite'

// others

const client = new Client() .setEndpoint(process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_APPWRITE_ENDPOINT) .setProject(process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_APPWRITE_PROJECT) .setKey(process.env.APPWRITE_API_KEY) const database = new Databases(client) // others

const database = new Databases(client)

// pages/api/getDocument.ts import nodeAppwrite from '@/libs/nodeAppwrite' // others const documentRes = (await nodeappwrite.database.getDocument( process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_APPWRITE_DATABASE_ID, process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_APPWRITE_PAYMENTS_COLLECTION_ID, documentId )) as any // others

The user is getting the error "Failed to verify JWT. Invalid token: Expired" when trying to get a document using the setKey permission in Node.js. The issue seems to be that the same global `nodeAppwrite.client` instance is being used for both the login request and the getDocument request. The suggestion is to instantiate a new Client and Account instead of reusing the same instance. Additionally, it is recommended to use different clients for API key and JWT, and to use a request scoped client when using a JWT token. The exact error message is "Failed to verify JWT. Invalid token: Expired".
8 Apr, 2023, 02:16

Can you share the exact error?

Btw, it's best to use 3 back ticks with multi-line code. See

8 Apr, 2023, 02:24

Yes, Some errors in docker logs:

[Error] Timestamp: 2023-04-08T02:04:44+00:00 [Error] Method: GET [Error] URL: /v1/databases/:databaseId/collections/:collectionId/documents/:documentId [Error] Type: Appwrite\Extend\Exception [Error] Message: Failed to verify JWT. Invalid token: Expired [Error] File: /usr/src/code/app/init.php [Error] Line: 865

8 Apr, 2023, 02:29

And response is:


8 Apr, 2023, 02:29

Are you calling setJWT() anywhere?

8 Apr, 2023, 02:35

Yes, I had setJWT while user login to server from client to get account info.

But the getDocument request is not a user behavior, it's a behavior similar to a web hook.

8 Apr, 2023, 02:36

Somehow the same client that had setJWT() is being used

8 Apr, 2023, 02:37

Oh...client is probably global and being reused across requests

8 Apr, 2023, 02:48

Oh, what should I do.

When both methods are used simultaneously and initiated by two different clients, cannot it be distinguished.

8 Apr, 2023, 02:50

Best to use different clients with API key vs jwt. Also, make sure to use a request scoped client when using jwt token

8 Apr, 2023, 03:01

I confirm that these two requests occurred on different clients. Jwt is only intended for users, while API keys are used in other situations.

8 Apr, 2023, 03:03

What's the code for setting the JWT?

8 Apr, 2023, 03:05

Although it is a different client request, is it related to setKey and setJWT being executed on the same server.

8 Apr, 2023, 03:07

So that's probably why it's being reused...

8 Apr, 2023, 03:13

When user request login.ts api I handle the request with iron-session:


import { withSessionRoute } from '@/helper/withSession'
import nodeAppwrite from '@/helper/nodeAppwrite'
import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next'

const handler = async (req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) => {
  const { jwt, appwriteSessionId } = req.body
  if (!jwt || !appwriteSessionId) {
    res.status(401).json({ message: 'Unauthorized' })
  try {
    await nodeAppwrite.account.get().then(
      async (response) => {
        const nowTime =
        const newUser = {
        req.session['user'] = newUser
        req.session['jwt'] = {
          value: jwt,
          expiresAt: nowTime + 15 * 60 * 1000,
      (error) => {
        res.status(error.code ?? 401).json({ message: error.message })
  } catch (error) {
    res.status(error.code ?? 500).json({ message: error.message })
export default withSessionRoute(handler)
8 Apr, 2023, 03:14

You're importing the same global nodeAppwrite.client instance here...

8 Apr, 2023, 03:15

Try to instantiate a new Client and Account instead

8 Apr, 2023, 03:19

Thank you Steven. I will try your suggestion.


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