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4 Apr, 2023, 08:52

I am learning appwrite, Can you help me, Its possible to Query Group by and Sum or count

await databases!.listDocuments(
        databaseId: "***************",
        collectionId: "***************",
        queries: [
          Query.equal("uid", uid),
Currently, grouping by sum or count is not available in Appwrite. However, one workaround is to write a custom function that stores the sum or count in a separate database table. Then, you can use query methods on this stored data. For example, you can create a function to store the count and then use query.equal to find elements with a count of 5. The Appwrite team plans to work on adding this feature in the future.
4 Apr, 2023, 09:10

hi 👋

4 Apr, 2023, 09:10

So, your question is if querying by group or sum or count is allowed in Appwrite?

4 Apr, 2023, 09:10

Also, amazing to hear you learning about Appwrite - how are you finding it so far?

4 Apr, 2023, 09:24

So, grouping by sum or count is not available at the moment - however this is a spot we plan on working on this year.

But a workaround could be writing your own function which stores in a database the sum and count (differently) and then they can run the query methods suitable for them. say for example, we want to check the elements who's count is 5 (means they repeat 5 times in database) - for this we would create a function that stores count and then we can use query.equal on their count parameter - if its 5, we get the return


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