
[SOLVED] Validate credentials to confirm the operation

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4 Apr, 2023, 03:36

some operations I want the user to confirm with their credentials, for example deleting a document. How to do this without creating new session? All the ways I thought, it would have to be by cloud function but it would still create a session

The user wants to confirm operations with credentials, like deleting a document, without creating a new session. The suggestion is to have the function perform the action instead of returning true/false. It is mentioned that creating a new session is currently the only option. The user agrees with this but finds it strange because it goes to the session history. Another user suggests creating a new session as a good idea. However, the original user still wants to avoid creating a new session and asks for alternative methods. No solution is provided in the thread.
4 Apr, 2023, 03:47

Right. There's no step up authentication yet. Creating a new session sounds like a good idea

4 Apr, 2023, 03:51

is that creating a new session I found it a bit strange because it goes to the session history but I think that today it is the only option. cloud function session creation I deleted the session returns true or false to the client

4 Apr, 2023, 03:53

Yes, it's a little weird, but you are right. That's the only option today.

I would have the function do the privileged action instead of returning true/false

4 Apr, 2023, 03:54

thanks steven, i will go that way

4 Apr, 2023, 03:54

[SOLVED] Validate credentials to confirm the operation


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