For waht I've seen
i will wait for Steven
thank you so much for your help @Binyamin
Sure 😀
You want to migrate your users so they can log in with the same password in the new environment?
thats right
fulll migration
You can pull data from the old instance and then use this to import into new instance:
i will work on it
thank you so much @Steven and @Binyamin
[SOLVED] Migrate to Cloud
sorry one more question. I noticed that deploy collection does not deploy documents inside
any idea how i can migrate all the docs inside the collection too?
or, i can only do it using the SDK create_doc method?
ok, thanks a lot Steven
Hey sorry again. I noticed that "appwrite init collection" does not retrieve all databases from the source. For example, i have 2 database, each with 2 collections. Both were detected as fetched during the init. But inside appwrite.json, there is only 1 database with 2 collection. the other database is not present. is there a limit of the amount of data that i can init?
i retried this 2x and the outcome is the same
Womp. Looks like there's a bug with the CLI. Would you be able to create an issue?
The bug is we're only matching on collection id rather than database id and collection id:
ok, i willl create an issue
thanks a lot Steven
For now, you can manually update the appwrite.json
ok. Thanks so much Steven
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