
MagicURL doesnt make the app logged in

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  • Flutter
30 Mar, 2023, 15:18

I am able to create a magicURL and send it via email. After I click the email it redirects to my app but nothing happens. Should I handle it myself somehow? I couldnt find anything regarding to that in the documentation.

User is experiencing issues with MagicURL not logging them into the app. They are asking if Appwrite has an example on how to extract the secret and userID from the URL query in Flutter. They also want to know if they need to handle the data themselves or if the SDK handles it. The desired result is to be able to log into the app using MagicURL. No solution is provided in the thread.
30 Mar, 2023, 15:24


30 Mar, 2023, 15:24

What is your intended result?

30 Mar, 2023, 15:27

I want to log in my app using MagicURL. But I couldnt find anything on docs to how to handle the data comes from it. does the sdk handles it or should handle it myself?

30 Mar, 2023, 15:27

You need parse secret and user ID from the URL query params. Then put that into Appwrite SDK account.updateMagicURLSession(). With that finished, user is logged in. Relevent docs:

30 Mar, 2023, 15:30

does appwrite have an example how to extract the secret and the userID from the URL query in flutter?

30 Mar, 2023, 18:06

Just making a note that this support request is also posted here, to prevent duplicate responses:


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