
[SOLVED] Invalid url for create recovery method

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  • Flutter
  • Web
29 Mar, 2023, 07:05

final reset = await account.createRecovery( email: email, url: "", ); error tell me to use 'localhost' or computer' ip address', can any body explain me? what happen. when I go to live, my url should be where docker host ip address ? I create reset page on my own website, thanks

The user was experiencing an issue with an invalid URL for creating a recovery method. Another user suggested using `localhost` or `` as the web platform hostname in the project overview. On production, the URL should ideally be a domain or the server's public IP address. The user thanked them and asked if the URL should be the Docker host IP address when going live. The solution was not explicitly mentioned in the thread.
29 Mar, 2023, 07:18

Hey there 👋 For now you can solve it by using localhost, or by adding as web platform hostname in overiew of your project.

On production, the URL should ideally be a domain. If you don't have a domain, it would be your server's public IP address.

29 Mar, 2023, 17:30

[SOLVED] Invalid url for create recovery method


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