
Queries search response 500

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  • Flutter
27 Mar, 2023, 01:56

I am sending search queries and I am getting a 500 error [search("restaurantId", ["641e429c2e05e757c5d1"]), search("menu", ["test menu 1"]), limit(20)] ErrorHandler.handle {message: Server Error, code: 500, type: general_unknown, version: 1.2.1}

The user is experiencing a 500 error when sending search queries. They are trying to wrap their search term in double quotes but are unsure how to do so. They are also questioning if their assumptions about the search results are correct. The solution suggested is to create a full text index on only the 'menu' field. The user confirms that they have injected the necessary dependencies and are running the query on the correct database and collection. However, they still receive a 500 error with the given search queries. No solution for the 500 error is provided in the thread.
27 Mar, 2023, 02:00

Just to be sure, are you running the query on the correct database and collection?

27 Mar, 2023, 02:18

yes. inject dependencies in init projec.

27 Mar, 2023, 02:22

Would you please try creating a full text index on only menu?

27 Mar, 2023, 02:30

yes, but this is not working as it should.

i add images response-query-data

  1. in response have menu value is test
  2. in query menu value is test menu 2
  3. in data menu is test

I think the answer is wrong, because test menu 2 has no similarity with test,

If it were the other way around, perhaps we could say that menu test menu 2 contains test and that is why it is displayed.

are my assumptions correct? either ?

27 Mar, 2023, 04:04

That is how search works. It kind of does an OR for each word you pass. You can try to wrap your search term in double quotes to see how it does

27 Mar, 2023, 04:08

i use _genericSearch.field != null ? queries.add('menu', _genericSearch.field!)) : null; I don't know how to wrap in double quotes 😦

27 Mar, 2023, 04:09

'"' + _genericSearch.field! + '"'

27 Mar, 2023, 04:11



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