
Cron Jobs & Function

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20 Mar, 2023, 04:49

Hi Appwrite team, I have made a function in Appwrite to clear Some items in a Database weekly at 12 Pm American Time. But as I'm working with Kubernetes, It doesnt support Docker Socket Volume. So Can i add a Cron Job. If so Can you show me some material for Example


The user wants to add a cron job to their function in Appwrite in order to clear items in a database weekly at a specific time. They mention that they are working with Kubernetes and cannot use Docker Socket Volume. They ask if it's possible to add a cron job and request examples or materials for reference. Solution: Yes, it is possible to add a cron job in Appwrite. However, since the user mentions they are working with Kubernetes and cannot use Docker Socket Volume, it may require a different approach. The user should consider looking into Kubernetes CronJobs, which allow scheduling tasks at specific times. They can find examples and materials for
20 Mar, 2023, 04:57

Uhh like a cron job on the server?

20 Mar, 2023, 05:00

Yeah. Any Example scripts would be good.

20 Mar, 2023, 05:01 would write any sort of script using the server SDK of your choice 🧐


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