
Function return image

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  • Functions
Mickaël LT
16 Mar, 2023, 22:12


Is it possible for a function (or webhook?) to return a file ? I want to return user profile image only from an id of a user ?

The user wants to know if it's possible for a function or webhook to return a file, specifically a user's profile image based on their ID. The suggestion is to store the images in a profile images bucket with matching IDs. If the image URL is known, the image can be easily fetched. If the image is stored as a public file, it can be fetched using the storage API. If the image is not public, the user may need to make the profile images public or try base64 encoding it if the file is small.
16 Mar, 2023, 22:27

If it's small, you can try to base64 encode it

16 Mar, 2023, 22:27

Otherwise, you may need to make profile images public

Mickaël LT
16 Mar, 2023, 22:29

And if it is public, how can I achieve this ?

16 Mar, 2023, 22:30

if it's public, you can use the storage api to fetch it 🧐

16 Mar, 2023, 22:30

assuming you're storing it in appwrite...

Mickaël LT
16 Mar, 2023, 22:32

But If I don't have the url of the image ? link of the profile picture is in the collection of my user, so I need to fetch first user collection, get the link and then get image from storage

16 Mar, 2023, 22:33

i would store the images in a profile images bucket where the ID matches the user ID. then you can easily get the file with the user id

Mickaël LT
16 Mar, 2023, 22:34

hum ok, I see, good idea 👌


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