
Tell `install` command to use environment variables

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14 Mar, 2023, 17:39

I'm trying to instantiate a appwrite server on GCP, VMs have the option to run a container on bootup, you can setup container environment variables and entrypoint command with its arguments, right now whenever I start the VM it's pulling the the image and running the install command but since this command is interactive and the vm is not giving it a STDIN, it's using default values for everything, so I was thinking if a feature could be added to the install command where, when giving the --env flag, it skips the interactive part and looks for environment variables matching the list of known environment values used by appwrite

User wants to use environment variables in the `install` command for Appwrite on a GCP VM. They suggest creating a script to download necessary files and update environment variables, then running `docker compose up -d`. User is looking for a more production-friendly approach. They provide a Docker command example. Goal is to instantiate Appwrite server on GCP VM using container deployment. Solution is to modify the `install` command to accept environment variables instead of being interactive.
14 Mar, 2023, 17:40

Tell install command to use environment variables

14 Mar, 2023, 17:56

what exactly is your goal?

14 Mar, 2023, 17:57

Instantiate appwrite on a GCP VM using the built in container deployment tool

14 Mar, 2023, 18:00

i don't know if that's really a good idea...if your goal is to have an image with appwrite, perhaps you can just have the docker files on the server already

14 Mar, 2023, 18:12
docker run -it --rm \
    --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    --volume "$(pwd)"/appwrite:/usr/src/code/appwrite:rw \
    -e _APP_ENV=production \
    -e _APP_DOMAIN=domain \
    -e _APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V1=very-secret-key \
    -e _APP_DOMAIN_TARGET=domain \
    -e \
    -e _APP_SMTP_PORT=465 \
    -e _APP_SMTP_SECURE=ssl \
    -e _APP_SMTP_USERNAME=username \
    -e _APP_SMTP_PASSWORD=password \
    --entrypoint="install" \
    appwrite/appwrite:1.2.1 \
14 Mar, 2023, 18:14

I'm looking for something like this, so the install command runs non-interactively and I can use the container deployment of GCP's VMs

14 Mar, 2023, 18:26 I believe this is done here, so instead of loading the /.env file, if the --env argument is passed, search in the environment for the variables

14 Mar, 2023, 18:35

again i really want to focus on what your end goal is...not trying to add env vars to the install command

14 Mar, 2023, 18:37

Use this to run appwrite on a GCP VM

14 Mar, 2023, 18:40

in order to what?

14 Mar, 2023, 18:42

Use appwrite on a GCP VM πŸ˜…

14 Mar, 2023, 18:44

you can do that by just running the install what is it do you really need?

14 Mar, 2023, 18:46

Doing this would be a more production-friendly approach, instead of creating the VM, ssh-ing, running the docker command,

14 Mar, 2023, 18:47

so your end goal is to be able to start up a VM and already have appwrite installed

14 Mar, 2023, 18:47

what other ways can you configure a GCP VM? can you run a script on first launch?

14 Mar, 2023, 18:49

Yes, it can run scripts at launch

14 Mar, 2023, 18:51

so you can write a script that:

  1. Creates appwrite folder
  2. Downloads this into the folder:
  3. Downloads this into the folder:
  4. Updates any .env vars as necessary
  5. Runs docker compose up -d to startup appwrite
14 Mar, 2023, 18:58

Hmm I still believe it would be more clean to just have the install command accept environment variables then creating a script with more moving parts, I have no problem working on that feature if you believe it has a chance of getting merged πŸ™‚

14 Mar, 2023, 19:03

i haven't seen any other requests like this so it doesn't seem like it would be very high in priority. you can submit an issue if you'd like


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