Hi, If k8s is hard then I tried using Docker Swarm following the guide in Dev.to. But I think its outdated and not working. Is there any updated Docs or Github or Something?
Can I know which appwrite feature is this in reference to? I might need a bit more explanation to help you
Is it related to the thread you previously opened?
Hi, I wanted to setup a K8S cluster but there are not Guides or No Docs.(I'm Learning kubernetes).
As you guys told me to use Docker Swarm, I followed the Dev.to Guide and I think its not working and Outdated
How can I setup my own Testing Appwrite Like you guys did on Appwrite cloud?
I'm just learning Docker Swarm & K8S by doing this. Thanks
Which guide on dev.to are you using? Can you once put a link here so I can see?
Oh yes this one is outdated, I’m sorry but everything related to appwrite is mentioned in the article but for docker swarm I would recommend taking a look at their documentation which will help you understand what and why if docker swarm. Since you want to learn, this would be the best way to go forward with this<:appwritepeepo:902865250427215882>
If it wouldn't be a problem. May I know what tools are you guys using along with Docker Swarm to maintain smooth operations in Appwrite Cloud?
Hey there 👋 Appwrite Cloud uses Docker Swarm as the back bone for the infrastructure. There isn't any magic to it.
We also use some tools to help us with monitoring, automatic backups or deployment, but for this you can choose any service you like. For example, for monitoring, you could use UptimeRobot, BetterUptime, or open source alternative, Upptime or Uptime Kuma.
For databases and file storage we use cloud services from well-established server providers with MySQL and S3 technologies.
[SOLVED] Docker Questions running Appwrite
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