
Appwrite Cloud

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11 Mar, 2023, 22:45

I saw this image on Twitter and I registered today but didn't get to see a user account in order to begin with appwrite cloud ☁️

Isn't it accessible yet?

Appwrite Cloud is currently in private beta and is invite-only. Invitations are sent out every week until it becomes a public beta. If you registered recently, it might take a few weeks for you to receive an invite. Please be patient and keep an eye out for your invitation. The image you saw on Twitter is just a preview and the platform is not accessible to everyone yet.
11 Mar, 2023, 22:52

Hey there 👋 Appwrite Cloud is in currently private beta, meaning it's invite-only. We send out more and more invites every week until it becomes a public beta. If you registered recently, it might take a few weeks for you to be invited to the private beta.

17 Mar, 2023, 06:56

I registered long ago, no invite yet

17 Mar, 2023, 08:52

We are inviting more and more developers every week. As far as I am concerned it's picked randomly. I am thrilled to see your excitement! We are not too far away from having all invitations sent, let's be patient 🤞

18 Mar, 2023, 02:17



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