I'm still on the 1.2.1, I'll try to go back to the 1.2.0 tomorrow
you installed via the install script, right? what's docker ps
The docker ps result :
CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES ce9bea94fde9 appwrite/appwrite:1.2.1 "worker-functions" 49 minutes ago Up 49 minutes 80/tcp appwrite-worker-functions 3500d43d6d0d appwrite/appwrite:1.2.1 "executor" 49 minutes ago Up 49 minutes 80/tcp appwrite-executor ec41086f4d73 appwrite/appwrite:1.2.1 "worker-mails" 49 minutes ago Up 49 minutes 80/tcp appwrite-worker-mails 745b52287b84 appwrite/appwrite:1.2.1 "worker-builds" 49 minutes ago Up 49 minutes 80/tcp appwrite-worker-builds bfd05f868718 appwrite/appwrite:1.2.1 "worker-deletes" 49 minutes ago Up 49 minutes 80/tcp appwrite-worker-deletes a7aa38fd0b87 appwrite/appwrite:1.2.1 "worker-webhooks" 49 minutes ago Up 49 minutes 80/tcp appwrite-worker-webhooks a024bbae96fb appwrite/appwrite:1.2.1 "docker-php-entrypoi…" 49 minutes ago Up 49 minutes 80/tcp appwrite 3a630caf91a8 appwrite/appwrite:1.2.1 "worker-audits" 49 minutes ago Up 49 minutes 80/tcp appwrite-worker-audits a022d28b7b1c appwrite/appwrite:1.2.1 "maintenance" 49 minutes ago Up 49 minutes 80/tcp appwrite-maintenance 046b8bd32eda appwrite/appwrite:1.2.1 "realtime" 49 minutes ago Up 49 minutes 80/tcp appwrite-realtime
3d33d52b2a54 appwrite/appwrite:1.2.1 "worker-certificates" 49 minutes ago Up 49 minutes 80/tcp appwrite-worker-certificates 0a744707228e appwrite/appwrite:1.2.1 "worker-messaging" 49 minutes ago Up 49 minutes 80/tcp appwrite-worker-messaging 1d29f970ad00 appwrite/appwrite:1.2.1 "schedule" 49 minutes ago Up 49 minutes 80/tcp appwrite-schedule 89a3208c80f4 appwrite/appwrite:1.2.1 "worker-databases" 49 minutes ago Up 49 minutes 80/tcp appwrite-worker-databases 6d97eca5b943 appwrite/appwrite:1.2.1 "usage" 49 minutes ago Up 49 minutes 80/tcp appwrite-usage 58aa854570e3 redis:7.0.4-alpine "docker-entrypoint.s…" 49 minutes ago Up 49 minutes 6379/tcp appwrite-redis 2fd9796a7e6c appwrite/telegraf:1.4.0 "/entrypoint.sh tele…" 49 minutes ago Up 49 minutes 8092/udp, 8125/udp, 8094/tcp appwrite-telegraf 0e5d963bbe0c mariadb:10.7 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 49 minutes ago Up 49 minutes 3306/tcp appwrite-mariadb 3919e009f43f appwrite/influxdb:1.5.0 "/entrypoint.sh infl…" 49 minutes ago Up 49 minutes 8086/tcp appwrite-influxdb
And yes, install via the install script (install the 1.2.0 and upgrade to 1.2.1 last week)
👀 where's traefik?
Good question 😅
Probably is the last one
If I launch docker compose up -d --build --force-recreate
I got a warning :
driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint appwrite-traefik (38da4f42f988b45bec57cf19f456a5dda3a9f0c1d92bdef0a9ff27b5d0a2beff): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use
Run down
Make a backup of the file rename to .old
Then wget this one https://appwrite.io/install/compose
And then run up
was this really everything?
what does docker compose ls
cloud@ecs-appwrite:~/appwrite$ docker compose ls -a NAME STATUS CONFIG FILES appwrite created(1), running(19) /home/cloud/appwrite/docker-compose.yml
that created(1) is probably traefik...you must have something else isntalled on the server that is exposing appwrite if appwrite is still accessible for you on port 443
hum, I'will check what is on the port 443, but I've just boot on the EC2 instance and install appwrite
=> it seem to be this problem : https://www.reddit.com/r/docker/comments/shztqs/wow_docker_works_a_lot_better_when_you_dont_have/
so, i ran this command :
sudo snap remove docker
And then I reboot, and now docker ps show me all my container \o/ (and my datas \o/ \o/ )
Ya snap is a little annoying
Yep, and now dart is available 👍 You can mark as solved, thanks a lot for your help
[SOLVED] Add runtime
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