
[SOLVED] how to recover password while being in development mode?

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8 Mar, 2023, 06:42

as the title suggests, i forgot my password. now i need to recover it. is there any way for that?

Solution: To recover a password while in development mode, you need to recreate containers after updating environment variables. Simply restarting the container manually will not be enough. Run the command `docker compose up -d` after making the changes to apply them. Additionally, you can check the logs of the mails worker using `docker compose logs appwrite-worker-mails` to find the recovery URL and click on the "recover password" button on the console.
Christy Jacob
8 Mar, 2023, 06:45

You can click on the recover password button on the console. Then check the logs of the mails worker using

docker compose logs appwrite-worker-mails

Christy Jacob
8 Mar, 2023, 06:45

You will find your recovery URL in the logs

Christy Jacob
8 Mar, 2023, 06:45

You can click that and reset your password

8 Mar, 2023, 06:50

i've tried running docker compose logs appwrite-worker-mails, it says no configuration file provided: not found

Christy Jacob
8 Mar, 2023, 06:50

You need to cd into the folder where your docker compose is

Christy Jacob
8 Mar, 2023, 06:50

And then run the command

8 Mar, 2023, 07:00

I don't see any recovery URL in the logs. the attachment shows what I got. only these lines, but repeatedly. It could be something my fault. both appwrite and docker are new to me

Christy Jacob
8 Mar, 2023, 07:01

Okay do one thing, run docker compose logs -f appwrite-worker-mails

This will follow the logs. Keep this open in the terminal and head to your console and click the recovery button . Then you'll see the new logs come up which will contain the url

8 Mar, 2023, 07:28

hi. as you can see in the attached video, this isn't logging any new logs when i click the recover button

Christy Jacob
8 Mar, 2023, 11:51

Okay that's because smtp is disabled. You can add some dummy values for the smtp variables in the hidden .env file is the same folder as your docker compose

Christy Jacob
8 Mar, 2023, 11:51

This will enable smtp and you can see the logs

8 Mar, 2023, 15:25

can you please guide me on what data should i add in .env

8 Mar, 2023, 18:22

This might be helpful:

any non-empty string is enough for the smtp host env var

10 Mar, 2023, 13:44

hi @manazo is your query resolved?

11 Mar, 2023, 14:45

sorry for the delay everyone. I've tried passing non-empty strings to the smtp vars, but it's still saying SMTP Disabled

11 Mar, 2023, 16:04

Did you run docker compose up -d after to apply the changes?

11 Mar, 2023, 16:35

i restarted the container manually from the docker gui. won't it work?

Christy Jacob
11 Mar, 2023, 18:26

I don't think a restart fetches the updated env vars. Please try the command Steven suggested

11 Mar, 2023, 18:43

Yes, restart is not enough. When updating env vars, you need to recreate containers. Steven's command should do the trick.

23 Mar, 2023, 15:05

[SOLVED]how to recover password while being in development mode?

23 Mar, 2023, 16:13

[SOLVED] how to recover password while being in development mode?


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