
[SOLVED] Deploying collection updates without losing data

  • 0
  • Databases
4 Mar, 2023, 15:51


Im trying to update my databases from the CLI. I did a test with one of my dev databases and my data all became n/a.

What I did was pull the latest collection with appwrite init collection then push it back up to the same DB. There were no changes to the structure but the data seems to be gone.

The documents are there but everything is n/a

Is there a way to deploy a collection without loosing data?

The user experienced data loss when trying to deploy collection updates using the Appwrite CLI. It was discovered that the CLI wipes and redeploys attributes and indexes, causing data loss. The solution is to create scripts using a server SDK instead of using the CLI for making changes after going to production.
4 Mar, 2023, 16:13

Deploying collection updates without losing data

4 Mar, 2023, 19:20

Yes, that's expected with the CLI at the moment because the attributes and indexes get wiped and then redeployed. There should be a warning about data loss when deploying.

If you're going to make changes after going to prod, you might want to create scripts using a server SDK

5 Mar, 2023, 00:51

Ah yea. It said you "may" lose data which I assumed would be the case if we changed or removed database attributes. All good though. Thanks 🤙

7 Mar, 2023, 19:43

[SOLVED] Deploying collection updates without losing data

19 Jul, 2023, 19:03

I just did this and blew up my collections. The docs ( say "The Appwrite CLI also helps you migrate your project's databases and collections from a development server to a production server." I guess that's technically not true since it will wipe your entire production server 😅

19 Jul, 2023, 19:07

it works for the 1st migration 😜


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