
[SOLVED] Email SMTP configuration

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Nimit Savant
27 Feb, 2023, 22:19

I've configured everything but when it is trying to send mails its giving m empty from: ""

Issue: Cannot send emails from app using SMTP configuration Solution: If using Gmail, enable less secure apps in Gmail security settings. Check SMTP server configuration and ensure correct variables are set. Confirm that `_APP_SYSTEM_EMAIL_ADDRESS` environment variable is configured correctly. Verify that there are no error messages and check for potential issues with spam filters.
Nimit Savant
27 Feb, 2023, 22:19

The debug log is above

27 Feb, 2023, 22:46

What do you have as the _APP_SYSTEM_EMAIL_ADDRESS env var?


Nimit Savant
28 Feb, 2023, 10:14

I've my email address setup up

Nimit Savant
28 Feb, 2023, 10:16
Nimit Savant
28 Feb, 2023, 10:18

28 Feb, 2023, 17:06

Are variables correct in the output of docker compose exec appwrite-worker-mails vars?

Nimit Savant
1 Mar, 2023, 09:51


1 Mar, 2023, 16:01


1 Mar, 2023, 16:02

It looks like the from address is empty

1 Mar, 2023, 16:31

so, actually, it's fine for from to be empty in that log message. Are you getting some sort of error?

Nimit Savant
1 Mar, 2023, 17:25

I'm not able to send the email from outlook :(

1 Mar, 2023, 17:25

Would you please clarify? Maybe with an error message?

Nimit Savant
1 Mar, 2023, 17:25

It just logs here that it is sent, but I can't see the email being sent.

Nimit Savant
1 Mar, 2023, 17:26

yeah there is not error message, I'll try again and send here

Nimit Savant
1 Mar, 2023, 19:56
Nimit Savant
1 Mar, 2023, 19:57
1 Mar, 2023, 20:18

If there is no error in the worker logs, everything is fine on the appwrite side. If the recipient isn't getting the email, you may have a problem with spam filters or something.

Nimit Savant
1 Mar, 2023, 20:19

ohk thank you :)

Nimit Savant
2 Mar, 2023, 10:59

Its working somehow now for an alternate email for office365

Nimit Savant
2 Mar, 2023, 10:59

I think its mostly because of the smtp server.

Nimit Savant
2 Mar, 2023, 10:59

We can close this support ticket :) If there is something else, I'll surely drop here :)

2 Mar, 2023, 15:10

[SOLVED] Email SMTP configuration

Nimit Savant
6 Mar, 2023, 18:19

If you folks are using gmail it won't be directly configured, you will have to enable less secure apps in your gmail security settings :)


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