
Upload Data

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  • Databases
27 Feb, 2023, 14:13

I have data in sqlite, mongodb and json formats, I want to upload them to my appwrite server and use them. What should I do?

TL;DR: To upload data to your Appwrite server, set up a NodeJS server with an API key or use any other server language. Create a document for each item in your JSON export using the `createDocument` method. It is recommended to set up attributes for each key in the JSON for easy querying in the future. Use the appropriate endpoint based on your data format (sqlite, mongodb, or JSON). Make sure to create a database and collection before uploading.
27 Feb, 2023, 14:13

it's a dictionary and i want to use it in my project

27 Feb, 2023, 14:23

Using any of these types will suffice.

27 Feb, 2023, 14:38

JSON format should be great πŸ˜‡ You can use createDocument endpoint. Document is like row in SQL world. Make sure to create a database and collection (like a table) first.

27 Feb, 2023, 14:39

I also highly recommend setting up attributes (like columns) for every key you have in the JSON. doing that will let you query your data really quick and easy in future.

27 Feb, 2023, 14:40

First you setup a NodeJS server with API key (

Or python, java, or any other server language you like Then you use create document method: You do that for each item in your JSON export

27 Feb, 2023, 14:43

very thanks


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