
Refresh JWT via REST

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15 Feb, 2023, 22:59

Hello. Should it be possible to create new JWT via REST, using current valid JWT?

I'm trying to execute POST http://localhost/v1/account/jwt with X-Appwrite-JWT containing the latest JWT, but I'm getting this error:

{message: 'The current user session could not be found.', code: 404, type: 'user_session_not_found', version: '1.2.0'}
The user is trying to refresh a JWT token using a browser extension service worker. They have attempted to send credentials to the background service worker and capture the `x-fallback-cookies` header, but it did not work. They are looking for recommendations on how to use Appwrite from a browser extension and maintain a valid JWT inside the service worker. A suggestion is made to use an API key instead of trying to refresh the JWT. No solution is provided in the support thread.
15 Feb, 2023, 23:11

Hmmmm, afaik, it has to be attached to a session. You won't be able to create new JWTs with existing JWTs. These are really meant to pass to Server SDKs to perform actions on your behalf.

15 Feb, 2023, 23:33

I see. Well, the argument can be made that creating new JWT is the action on my behalf, so the server should be able to do it. πŸ™‚ But I see how that migth be a bad idea from the security standpoint.

Can you advise how to maintain the valid JWT inside service worker, since the client SDK doesn't work there?

15 Feb, 2023, 23:33

Service worker?

15 Feb, 2023, 23:33


15 Feb, 2023, 23:34

Like this isn't somehting client facing

15 Feb, 2023, 23:34


15 Feb, 2023, 23:34

Use an API key

15 Feb, 2023, 23:34
15 Feb, 2023, 23:35

If it is client facing, you should have an active session πŸ˜‰ If it's like a background tasks that persists, API keys are your friend.

15 Feb, 2023, 23:35

Bottom of your overview page

15 Feb, 2023, 23:46

Yeah, I understand both workflows. The service worker I'm talking about is a browser extension background process, so it's technically a client facing code. I believe api key cannot be used in this scenario. I wonder if there are any recommendations on how to use appwrite from a browser extension. πŸ€”

15 Feb, 2023, 23:49

@VincentGe Thank you for help. I will keep poking around. πŸ™‚

15 Feb, 2023, 23:56

What you're facing would be the same as frameworks using SSR like sveltekit, NextJS, nuxt, etc.

15 Feb, 2023, 23:59

This might be helpful:

In short, you need the service worker to use the session cookie

16 Feb, 2023, 00:16

πŸ‘€ is this actually advisable?

16 Feb, 2023, 00:48

Ideally we wrap it with something that would make it easier but I don't think we've had the time to build that

16 Feb, 2023, 01:12

πŸ‘€ I guess we can propose it as a temporary work around

16 Feb, 2023, 13:19

Thanks. Actually I have a nextJS app too, where I do something like this. I went through @Meldiron very helpful examples, and I was able to make it work for NextJS. It's just my current use-case is different due to the browser extension service worker constrains. There is no, traditional request/response cycle like in SSR. In this case it's an isolated long-living process, which I want maintain user session in. Both appwrite and node-appwrite failed to run there, but that's for another time. Anyways, I'm gonna look into this later and update you on my findings πŸ™‚

16 Feb, 2023, 15:34

You could manually log in using fetch, grab the cookie, and store it

19 Feb, 2023, 12:03

I ended up doing it somewhat similar to NextJS SSR flow. Sent credentials to the background SW via runtime messaging, created session, captured x-fallback-cookies header and stored in the chrome storage. After that set up timer to refresh JWT periodically using chrome alarms.


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