
Appwrite Pink Design CSS Library

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14 Feb, 2023, 14:12

Hello, I am writing an article on Pink Design CSS library and I am struggling to create a responsive website with the library

The user is reporting an issue with the Pink Design CSS library. They explain that all the "margin-top" utility classes are written as "margin-block-start" and provide a link to the page where this can be found. The reason for using the new logical properties is to support any language. The user also mentions that there are no padding utility classes because the library is not built with a utility-first CSS architecture. They provide additional resources on supporting different direction languages. The user mentions that after designing a website with the library, they are finding it difficult to make it responsive and that the documentation is not clear in that regard. They highlight
14 Feb, 2023, 14:58

What is your problem exactly? I'm sure @Arman or @Elad Shechter will be able to help on this front.

14 Feb, 2023, 14:58

cc @Thomas G. Lopes - took me time to find your handle 😅

14 Feb, 2023, 18:48

After designing the website with the Library. It is difficult to make it responsive. The docs isn't clear in that regards and also there's no option for a padding-top or margin-top Just padding and margin

14 Feb, 2023, 18:49

I will be glad if I can get on a video call to brainstorm this with anyone willing to help

14 Feb, 2023, 18:57

Have you read through this? and

As for top/bottom/left/right, pink doesn't have that because pink uses logical properties. Logical properties are more flexible for when the direction of the website needs to change. See

Elad Shechter
23 Feb, 2023, 17:18

All the "margin-top" utility classes are writing with as "margin-block-start", for example: "u-margin-block-start-8" you can find them in this page:

The reason we aren't using the old margin-top properties is we want to support any language with the new logical properties.

For the question, why we don't have padding utility classes, this is because we aren’t trying to built utility first CSS architecture. Padding is connected to a partial. while margin is isn't.

This is also why we have margin utility classes.

More about supporting different direction languages, you can read this article I wrote:


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