
Self Hosted 1.6.0 Oauth2 callback not working

  • 0
  • Self Hosted
  • Flutter
  • Auth
20 Feb, 2025, 06:20

I have a self hosted server with version 1.6.0 My Front-End is Flutter, working on Android

When I run the createOAuth2Session with Google:

  • it creates the account (I can see it in the console) But does not jump back to the app, instead, opening another google account selection window (and another instance of the app in Android)

I have the callback configured in the manifest file Obviously the Google OAuth service is enabled and has the AppId and Secret from Google Console.

After some reading, I was suggested to test the OAuth service with https://my_server_address/v1/account/sessions/oauth2/google I am getting Error 412 from that page , for what its worth.

Self-hosted server version 1.6.0 not redirecting back to the app after creating Google account with OAuth2 session in Flutter. Callback is configured in manifest file. OAuth service has correct AppId and Secret. Testing OAuth service gives Error 412 on the provided URL.

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