Hey folks,
I'm building out an application that helps people design offshore windfarms and looking to leverage AppWrite. I've used the hosted version for a couple of React Native apps and it's been great.
This new app needs to be vendor agnostic as it might be deployed inside a customers cloud for data compliance so I'm developing locally to make sure I can deply the docker compose anywhere (though our multitenant site will be on AppWrite cloud).
- I get a 401 when trying toSign In to the locally running AppWrite console
Steps to recreate:
- Using a vscode Dev Container (mounted from a WSL2 folder on a Windows system)
- Run through the self host setup instructions
- Use the docker compose approach
- Copy the compose file
- Copy the Env file
- Run docker compose up -d --build
- Sign Up with first user
- Log Out
- Try to Sign In again
Expected outcome:
- Log In to work
- AppWrite console web app returns: GET http://localhost/v1/account 401 (Unauthorized)
- Sign In button remains disabled permanently
- Trying to visit the console main page redirects to Sign In
- The AppWrite container logs: [Error] Message: User (role: guests) missing scope (account)
AFAICT the setup appears to be correct, am I missing some step or config nuance along the way? Any help gratefully received because AppWrite is awesome!!
Self Hosting accessing AppWrite Console localhost/v1/account 401
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