so i'm testing a chat app feature that i'm making and i'm trying to chat between two accounds on different devices connected to the local development server but i have to refresh to see a new message that i type on my other device
here is my realtime subscription snippet
let unsubscribe;
const setupRealtimeConnection = () => {
return client.subscribe(
(response) => {
const { events, payload } = response;
if (payload.communityId !== id) return;
if (events.includes('databases.*.collections.*.documents.create')) {
messages.update((msgs) => {
return [...msgs, payload].sort((a, b) => new Date(a.timestamp) - new Date(b.timestamp));
onMount(async () => {
await listCommunities();
unsubscribe = setupRealtimeConnection();
scrollToBottom(); // Ensure scrolling is handled properly
getData(); // Fetch initial data
onDestroy(() => {
if (unsubscribe) unsubscribe(); // Clean up the subscription on component destroy
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