
Help with Appwrite Realtime

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21 Jan, 2025, 23:08

so i'm testing a chat app feature that i'm making and i'm trying to chat between two accounds on different devices connected to the local development server but i have to refresh to see a new message that i type on my other device

here is my realtime subscription snippet let unsubscribe; const setupRealtimeConnection = () => { return client.subscribe( [ databases.${import.meta.env.VITE_DATABASE_COMMUNITIES_ID}.collections.${ import.meta.env.VITE_COLLECTION_ID_SERVER_MESSAGES }.documents ], (response) => { const { events, payload } = response; console.log(response); scrollToBottom(); if (payload.communityId !== id) return;

            if (events.includes('databases.*.collections.*.documents.create')) {
                messages.update((msgs) => {
                    return [...msgs, payload].sort((a, b) => new Date(a.timestamp) - new Date(b.timestamp));

onMount(async () => {
    await listCommunities();
    unsubscribe = setupRealtimeConnection();
    scrollToBottom(); // Ensure scrolling is handled properly
    getData(); // Fetch initial data

onDestroy(() => {
    if (unsubscribe) unsubscribe(); // Clean up the subscription on component destroy
Developers are working on a chat app feature using Appwrite Realtime and struggling to see new messages without refreshing the page when chatting between two accounts on different devices. To fix this issue, try moving the `scrollToBottom()` function inside the `.create` condition block in the `setupRealtimeConnection` function. This should automatically scroll to the bottom whenever a new message is received, eliminating the need for manual refreshes.

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