
Forgot Password Flutter using Deep Links

  • 0
  • Android
  • Auth
  • Flutter
  • Self Hosted
12 Aug, 2024, 09:50

The flutter app opens when using the encoded url

adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW
\ -c android.intent.category.BROWSABLE
\ -d ""
\ com.xx.xxxxxxx.xxxxx

But not witout it

adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW
\ -d "https://xxx.xxxxx.xxxx/forgot_password?userId=dsad&secret=dsaddsadsadsa&expire=dsadadsa" \


Hello xxxxx xxxx,

Follow this link to reset your xxxxxxx password.


If you didn’t ask to reset your password, you can ignore this message.

xxxxx team

This is the email template we get , the url is not encoded , so the app does not open , redirected to browser

Developers are trying to open a Flutter app using encoded URLs for password reset but are having trouble with non-encoded URLs. They are sending an email with the non-encoded URL, which is causing the app to redirect to the browser instead of opening directly. The solution is to encode the URLs properly in the email template to ensure the app opens correctly.

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