
fetch failed - On a function that used to work fine for me

  • 0
  • Functions
  • Cloud
31 Jul, 2024, 22:55

Promise.all in the code below keeps failing and giving me a "fetch failed" error and I can't for the life of me figure out why. Also I ran this function a bunch in a dev environment several months ago no problem. Now I am running it on Appwrite Cloud. I can list documents no problem, I have another function that updates documents no problem but this function where I try to create and update in bulk is giving me fits.

    const playerIndex = await buildPlayerIndex(database);
    const updateOperations = [];
    const createOperations = [];
    for (const playerId in players) {
        const player = players[playerId];
        if (player.position === 'DEF' || player.first_name === 'Duplicate') continue;

        const document = {
            'playerId': playerId,
            'name': player.full_name,
            'first_name': player.first_name,
            'last_name': player.last_name,
            'position': player.position,
            'number': player.number,
            'age': player.age,
            'fantasy_positions': player.fantasy_positions,

        if (playerIndex.has(playerId)) {
            const documentId = playerIndex.get(playerId);
            updateOperations.push(database.updateDocument(DATABASE_ID, COLLECTION_ID, documentId, document));
        } else {
            createOperations.push(database.createDocument(DATABASE_ID, COLLECTION_ID, ID.unique(), document));

    log(`Number of update operations: ${updateOperations.length}`);
    log(`Number of create operations: ${createOperations.length}`);
    await Promise.all([...updateOperations, ...createOperations])
    .catch(e => error(`Promise.all failed: ${e.message}`));
The developer's function that creates and updates documents in bulk, utilizing Promise.all, is now failing with a "fetch failed" error. The issue seems to be related to running the function on Appwrite Cloud. The function worked fine in a dev environment previously. No solution provided.

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