
Create Function: Error 409 Type `document_already_exists`

  • 0
  • Functions
  • Cloud
21 Jul, 2024, 16:04

I'm at a complete loss here just trying to create a Function on AppWrite Cloud. No matter what I try, I'm getting this error:

# Error 409

Document with the requested ID already exists. Try again with a different ID or use ID.unique() to generate a unique ID.


Here are the steps I'm doing:

  1. Login to AppWrite Cloud using my GitHub account
  2. Click on my Organization's Project/App
  3. Click "Functions"
  4. Click "Create Function"
  5. Under Quick start, click Python
  6. Leave Name/Runtime default (Starter Function / Python - 3.9), click Next
  7. Supply no optional variables, click Next
  8. At this point it doesn't matter which option I select, either create a new repo, or add to an existing. I've tried both.
  9. Click GitHub
  10. Select the correct Organization when asked where I want to install AppWrite
  11. Install & Authorize, it doesn't matter if I select All repos, or Only select repos, it results in the same issue.
  12. Click Install & Authorize

At this point I'm redirected back to with the above error. I've uninstalled AppWrite through GitHub and tried multiple times. I'm at a complete loss, what am I doing wrong here?

This is the function I'm trying to get setup:

I'm just trying to get the Starter Function running. Any ideas what's wrong? Thanks.

Developers solved the 'document_already_exists' error by: 1. Logging into GitHub and uninstalling AppWrite from their Organization. 2. Logging into AppWrite using GitHub, setting up an email/password, removing GitHub Identity, and logging out and back in. 3. Following the steps to create a Function on AppWrite Cloud, ensuring all fields were correctly set. The error was fixed by establishing a unique ID for the document.
21 Jul, 2024, 16:29

Oh wow! I was able to get it working. I remember seeing support posts about people changing their GitHub email address after signing up with AppWrite using their account, which is something I recently did.

So to make sure this wasn't some how related, I did these steps:

  1. Logged into GitHub and uninstalled AppWrite from my Organization
  2. Login to AppWrite using my GitHub account
  3. Under "Your Account" I set up an email/password
  4. I removed my GitHub Identity
  5. Logged out
  6. Logged back in with my new email/password
  7. Tried the steps again from my original post, and it all worked.

I'm not sure what happened, or why document_already_exists is the error I was getting, but oh well. I'm pretty sure I could switch back to using GitHub to login now that my GitHub Organization and repo are connected to AppWrite cloud, but I'm just going to stick with my mail/password login.

Phew, I hope this helps someone else in the future.


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