
Creating file to storage issue

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  • Android
  • Cloud
7 Jun, 2024, 22:06

The goal was to follow along in a youtube react native tutorial. I upload a video + a thumbnail + 2 form inputs to Appwrite's storage. The issue, other than the fact I need to learn how to debug in VSC, is the submit function displays "AppwriteException: Network Request failed" and I can't seem to find why it won't except my objects created. function "createVideo()" is being called async from the submit button. The form is console logged (I found in the docs that Android returns null assetId). Lastly, the submit button function. This project is being sandboxed in Expo Go, but I don't feel that would justify this problem

Developers are having trouble setting up a file storage feature in their app using Appwrite and React Native. They are encountering an error message "AppwriteException: Network Request failed" when trying to submit objects to Appwrite's storage. They suspect an issue with the endpoint set in the app. The project is being developed in Expo Go.
7 Jun, 2024, 22:40

something might be wrong with the appwrite endpoint you set

7 Jun, 2024, 22:46

i defined the endpoint and set the endpoint to the client object, just like in the docs


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