
Invalid relationship value. Must be either a document ID or a document, array given.

  • 0
  • Self Hosted
  • Functions
  • Databases
  • Flutter
26 May, 2024, 15:57

Since updating to 1.5.6 and 1.5.7 I'm getting this error: Invalid relationship value. Must be either a document ID or a document, array given. I've downgraded back to 1.5.5, where it's working again.

It's a simple dart function which creates a new document with a relationship:

final docId = ID.unique();
await databases.createDocument(
  databaseId: 'exampleDbId',
  collectionId: 'exampleCollectionId',
  documentId: docId,
  data: {
    'title': 'Example',
    'nestedDocs': [
          "\$id": docId,
          "array": [],


Error: Invalid relationship value. Must be either a document ID or a document, array given.
#0      ClientMixin.prepareResponse (package:dart_appwrite/src/client_mixin.dart:73)
#1 (package:dart_appwrite/src/client_io.dart:249)
<asynchronous suspension>
#2      Databases.createDocument (package:dart_appwrite/services/databases.dart:1060)

appwrite: ^12.0.3 dart_appwrite: ^11.0.2

Developers are encountering an "Invalid relationship value" error after updating to versions 1.5.6 and 1.5.7 of the appwrite package. Downgrading to version 1.5.5 resolves the issue. The error occurs when attempting to create a document with a relationship using the createDocument function. The issue may be fixed in future releases of the package. (Versions used: appwrite ^12.0.3, dart_appwrite ^11.0.2)

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