
Bucket create with wrong/too many Permissions

  • 0
  • Auth
  • Storage
  • Cloud
14 May, 2024, 14:09

Hey ! I'm creating a bucket, that should have same id like my team.$id I would like this storage to have permissions - admins - can read and write all, rest of team members, can all create new document, each document will have own permissions as well.

when i do this:

    const newBucket = await storage.createBucket(partnerUniqueId, `BUCKET_${ /g, "_")}`, [

      // All team members can write to this bucket
      // All team admins can write and Read to this bucket
      Permission.write(, "admin")),, "admin")),
// all Admins can read from this bucket

    ], true);

I they all get automaticlly also UPDATE + DELETE permission, which i dont want to have. (like in the image attached)

How can i prevent this, no one of the team memebers should be able to update and delete.

Developers want to create a bucket with specific permissions but are seeing that the WRITE permission also includes UPDATE and DELETE. To prevent team members from having UPDATE and DELETE access, only grant WRITE permission without specifying UPDATE and DELETE. Write permission includes create, update, and delete by default. Update the code snippet to only include `Permission.write()` for the desired access level without specific mention of UPDATE and DELETE.
14 May, 2024, 14:10

Bucket create with wrong/too many Permissions

14 May, 2024, 14:57

yes. write is an alias for create + update + delete


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