
[SOLVED] Create User Target unexpectedly fails.

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7 May, 2024, 07:35

New to AppWrite and first post here on Discord. Hello all.πŸ˜€

I am having some issues understanding why my call to users.createTarget() fails in a function. (

I have the following code excerpt that works fine when being called from a node server app communicating with a self-hosted appwrite:

  \\ imports, client setup, other code
    try {
    const result = await users.createTarget(
      deviceID,   // userId - we use the device identifier as the user token
      targetID,   // targetId - //Choose a custom ID or generate a random ID with ID.unique()
      'push',     // providerType
      apnsToken   // identifier - the apns token
      //'',       // providerId (optional) - will use the first push provider if not explictly set
      //''        // name (optional)
    return res.json({
      "success" : "token associated with device"
  } catch(targetError) {
      error(`failed to create target ${targetError}`)
      return res.json({ "error": `unable to associate token` }, 400)

However, when I run this in a cloud hosted function, I get the error logged in the in the console: failed to create target TypeError: users.createTarget is not a function.

I am using the (cloud) to host the function.

The documentation online seems to suggest that this should be available in the cloud node-appwrite sdk?? Any suggestions?

Issue: Developer experiences a problem with `users.createTarget()` function, which works fine on a self-hosted server but fails on a cloud-hosted function. Solution: Clear npm cache and pull the latest version to fix the issue. The problem may arise due to using an earlier version of node-appwrite on the cloud.
7 May, 2024, 07:43

What version of the sdk are you using?

7 May, 2024, 07:49

Aaah .. it may be that simple!! I used the starter template on both self-hosted server and cloud - but now realise that the starter template on the cloud uses an earlier version of node-appwrite.

7 May, 2024, 07:50

haha, no worries. make sure to clear npm cache and pull the latest version. that should fix the issue.

7 May, 2024, 07:50

thank you very much. will do!

7 May, 2024, 07:51

please mark you issue as [SOLVED] once its resolved. If you encounter any other errors, feel free to create another thread or continue in this one.

Happy Appwriting :appwritecheers:.

7 May, 2024, 07:51


7 May, 2024, 07:55

hey πŸ‘‹, could you please add [SOLVED] as the prefix to the post title so that its pretty visible outside the thread too πŸ˜…. thnx.

7 May, 2024, 07:55

[solved] Create User Target unexpectedly fails.

7 May, 2024, 07:56

[SOLVED] Create User Target unexpectedly fails.

7 May, 2024, 07:56

Cheers. NOOB.


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