
Disabling services

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4 May, 2024, 21:41


So, you can disabled services. It also says this: When disabled, the services are not accessible to client SDKs but remain accessible to server SDKs.

Now when trying to do for example:

'use client'

import { useEffect } from 'react'
import { setOrgId } from '@/utils/actions/system/setOrgId'

export default function OrgChecks({ defaultOrgId }) {
  useEffect(() => {
    const setOrgIdIfNotPresent = async () => {
      if (!defaultOrgId) {
        await setOrgId()
  }, [defaultOrgId])

  return null

Where the setOrgId:

'use server'
import { createSessionServerClient } from '@/app/appwrite-session'
import { cookies } from 'next/headers'

export async function setOrgId() {
  const { teams } = await createSessionServerClient()
  const teamsData = await teams.list().catch((error) => {
    return error


  cookies().set(`orgId`, teamsData.teams[0].$id, {
    httpOnly: false,
    secure: true,
    sameSite: 'Lax',
    //maxAge: new Date(session.expire),
    path: '/',
    domain: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_COOKIE_DOMAIN,

  return teamsData

And the createSessionServerClient:

import { Teams } from 'node-appwrite'
import { headers } from 'next/headers'

export async function createSessionServerClient() {
  const headersList = headers()
  const cookieHeader = headersList.get('cookie')
  const cookies = cookieHeader ? cookieHeader.split('; ') : []
  const sessionCookie = cookies.find((cookie) =>
  const client = new Client()

  if (sessionCookie) {

  return {
    get teams() {
      return new Teams(client)

Now for some reason, it's saying: AppwriteException: The requested service is disabled. You can enable the service from the Appwrite console.

Why? It's still using the node-appwrite sdk yeah?

Developers are confused about disabling services for Server API Keys or Server SDKs. The issue arises when trying to access a service, even though it is supposedly disabled. The code snippets provided showcase the usage of the node-appwrite SDK. The error message "AppwriteException: The requested service is disabled..." suggests that the service is indeed disabled and needs to be enabled in the Appwrite console.
4 May, 2024, 21:46

I'm guessing it's talking about server API KEYS and not the node-appwrite sdk? Because then it's written incorrectly. Otherwise it has to be an issue, right? But I can't get my head around it which way it's supposed to be:

Turn off services:

  • Server API Keys only or
  • Server SDK's only

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