
Strange issues with migration

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  • Self Hosted
1 May, 2024, 14:06

I created a migration task from cloud to self-hosted, and the process failed with the following errors:

"errors": [ "Error occurred while pushing 'databases:65f37fdaeba74f71a14c' to destination with message: 'The current user is not authorized to perform the requested action.'", "Error occurred while pushing 'databases:6623a2c44708ce393aed' to destination with message: 'The current user is not authorized to perform the requested action.'", "Error occurred while pushing 'databases:65f37fdb077efa0cded8' to destination with message: 'The current user is not authorized to perform the requested action.'", "Error occurred while pushing 'databases:6623a2c45d5518b27314' to destination with message: 'The current user is not authorized to perform the requested action.'" ]

Now, the strange thing is that all the tables were imported and I only had a single database in the project. Also, I cannot figure out what IDs are these.

Any idea what might have triggered these errors?

Migration task from cloud to self-hosted failed with authorization errors for certain database pushes. However, all tables were still imported. The developer is unsure about the generated IDs and why the errors occurred.

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