
ECONNREFUSED but all references to localhost removed

  • 1
  • Self Hosted
  • Functions
  • Databases
19 Apr, 2024, 08:45

Im running appwrite on an AWS EC2 via docker-compose Ive update any domain to the ip address of the machine (.env, function code, etc) After those changes ran docker-compose down and up, checked docker variables and indeed it looks ok I believe


The function starts / runs fine but then as soon as I try to do anything with the DB it craps out I also believe that in the compose file everything is on the appwrite network

Any clues are welcome!

Developers are experiencing 'ECONNREFUSED' error even after removing all references to localhost. They suspect the issue might be a lack of an actual domain name instead of just an IP. They are considering setting up a domain to resolve the problem. The application is running on AWS EC2 via docker-compose, and they have updated all references to the IP address. The function runs without issues but fails when interacting with the database. Suggestions or clues to solve this issue are appreciated.
19 Apr, 2024, 08:53

*i am looking through / found the other tickets here but they all seem slightly different

19 Apr, 2024, 09:10

At this point im guessing I need an actual domain name and not just an IP, so Ill see if I can set that up

19 Apr, 2024, 11:50

nope ... set everything to a human readable subdomain but same error


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