
Query.equal("user_id", userId) is not working

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  • Web
  • Cloud
8 Apr, 2024, 15:29

I am using Appwrite to get a list of documents

async getAllBoards(userId) { const queries = [Query.equal("user_id", userId)]; try { return await this.databases.listDocuments( env.appwriteDbId, env.appwriteBoardsColId, queries ); } catch (error) { console.log("Appwrite serive :: getAllBoards :: error", error); return false; } }

but i am getting invalid query. why??

Appwrite serive :: getAllBoards :: error AppwriteException: Invalid query: {"method":"equal","attribute":"user_id","values":["65fbe64139c7b14ffbfc"]} at Client.<anonymous> (http://localhost:5173/node_modules/.vite/deps/appwrite.js?v=8491bc89:883:17) at (<anonymous>) at fulfilled (http://localhost:5173/node_modules/.vite/deps/appwrite.js?v=8491bc89:488:24)

I am using appwrite cloud and appwrite SDK v14

The developer is having trouble with the Query.equal("user_id", userId) function in their getAllBoards method while using the Appwrite SDK v14 for Appwrite Cloud. The error suggests using SDK v13 instead of v14 to fix the issue.
8 Apr, 2024, 15:32

For Appwrite Cloud you have to use the SDK v13


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