
GraphQL SSR SDK initialization

  • 0
  • Self Hosted
  • Auth
  • GraphQL
  • Web
4 Apr, 2024, 17:33

Hi there, I asked a similar question before, sorry in advance. I'm now implementing this self-hosted (will use cloud as soon as 1.5 is released).

How do I initialize an SDK in SSR if I want to use GraphQL?

How do I hook onto that createSessionClient to query/mutate?

The GraphQL docs section only shows

const client = new Client()
    .setEndpoint('') // Your Appwrite Endpoint
    .setProject('<PROJECT_ID>');                // Your project ID

const graphql = new Graphql(client);

But that's for Client SDK. I need to hook on to the Account(client) account session somehow, right?

Developers want to initialize the Appwrite SDK in SSR to use GraphQL. They need to hook onto `createSessionClient` to query/mutate, which isn't clear in the documentation. To achieve this, developers should use the following code to initialize the SDK: ``` const client = new Client() .setEndpoint('') // Your Appwrite Endpoint .setProject('<PROJECT_ID>'); // Your project ID const account = new Account(client); const graphql = new Graphql(client); ``` By adding `const account = new Account(client);`, developers can hook onto the

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