I integrated a custom oauth flow, which was working two hours ago, out of nowhere without code changes, the appwrite cloud api returns {"message":"Server Error","code":500,"type":"general_unknown","version":"0.12.130"}
only. Even when I debug all my parameters, double checked secrets && build Url for calling differently, still 500 errors only. Did i run into a hidden limit - where the system things I'm doing malicious things because I'm working on the integration? Or why are those always "unknown_errors"? projectId - 65fc4e93207ee2616ab7
Issue: Developers encountering continuous 500 errors with oAuth integration on the appwrite cloud API, despite no recent code changes.
Solution: There seems to be no hidden limit or malicious intent triggering the errors. It might be an internal server issue on the appwrite cloud API. Contact appwrite support for further assistance.