
409 Conflict message: "A user with the same id, email, or phone already exists in this project."

  • 0
  • Databases
  • Auth
  • Web
  • Functions
13 Mar, 2024, 02:54

Hello guys, I have very strange problem which I cannot resolve. I am using Angular 17 with appwrite authentication. The conflict error occurs every time I create new user, saying that there is conflict in email, id or phone, while I am 100% sure they are different and even hardcode them and even on EMPTY DB this error occurs. What is even more strange that the request is successful and returns 201 CREATED and actually it creates it every time with different name and id but 409 conflict appears in the console. At first I thought the phone number is the problem cuz currently accounts.create() doesn't accept phone as argument and it creates empty phone every time but why conflict would happen on empty db too ? I have the exact same code in react+vite+ts and its working perfectly fine w/o 409, I tried to change the angular app project and db id's to the working react app projct and db id's to check if problem comes from any settings in appwrite console, but 409 appears again with angular even in the working react project id. I am using email and password login.

Developers are experiencing a 409 Conflict message when creating a new user in Angular 17 with appwrite authentication, even when the email, id, and phone are different. The request shows 201 CREATED, but the conflict still appears. In a similar setup with React, there are no issues. To resolve this, ensure there are no duplicate user entries in the database and check the settings in the appwrite console.

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