
Problem uploading chunk file with restapi

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19 Feb, 2024, 22:10

so when i try to upload chunked file with the restapi i get an error message of fileId is not optional. but according to the documentation Contains the file ID of the new file. Only used by file chunks following the first chunk uploaded. which i did used only for the first chunk. and i also tried putting the fileid field with similar id if that would work A storage file with the requested ID already exists which makes sense and i also tried adding unique() which is the id to fileid on both chunk but that created both chunk. which is not what i want or what should happen.

Developers are having trouble uploading a chunk file with a restapi SDK. They were advised to check what the SDKs are doing, specifically pointing to the web SDK's code. The issue seemed to be missing the file ID in the chunk form. The developer mentioned using Python, Dart, and JavaScript for directions. Additionally, there was confusion about breaking up a file into 5MB chunks with Postman.
20 Feb, 2024, 01:14

How are you going to break up your file to 5MB chunks with postman?

20 Feb, 2024, 05:53

sorry. wrong image. i wanted to send the error message.

20 Feb, 2024, 05:56

written in rust

20 Feb, 2024, 15:55

seems like you're missing the file id in the chunk form. have you looked at what our SDKs are doing? like the web SDK:

20 Feb, 2024, 16:00

I am using your sdk (python,dart, JavaScript) for some directions. Maybe i missed something. I'll check it out again and give you a feedback.


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