I am currently using the REST API (1.4.x). I have implemented Sign in with Apple and Sign in with Google. On the Anonymous Login Docs Page, it says "If a user later creates an account, their information will be inherited by the newly created account."
How can we manage this in the REST API? Is this handled by Appwrite itself?
I am putting working REST API OAuth integrations as an example.
class SignInWithAppleButton extends HookConsumerWidget {
const SignInWithAppleButton({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
return ElevatedButton(
onPressed: () async {
const baseUrl = AppwriteConstants.appleOAuthUrl;
final queryParams = {
'project': AppwriteConstants.projectId,
'scope': 'email name',
final fullUrl = Uri.parse(baseUrl).replace(queryParameters: queryParams);
await FlutterWebAuth2.authenticate(
url: fullUrl.toString(),
callbackUrlScheme: AppwriteConstants.oAuthCallbackScheme,
options: const FlutterWebAuth2Options(preferEphemeral: true),
).then((value) async {
final url = Uri.parse(value);
final secret = url.queryParameters['secret'];
if (secret == null) throw Exception('Invalid response from Apple');
await ref.read(localCacheHandlerProvider).setSession(secret);
}).onError((error, stackTrace) {});
child: const Text('Sign in With Apple'),
//oAuthCallbackScheme = 'appwrite-callback-<PROJECT_ID>';
//appleOAuthUrl = '<API_ENDPOINT>/account/sessions/oauth2/apple';
// Google Sign In similar as Apple
If i recall correctly, if the user already has an anonymous session and then they create an oauth session, the account should turn into a regular account
I will check but it will take time because I am writing my app from scratch. I will post the result here
I tried to link the anonymous account with OAuth but it didn't work. Here are the steps I followed:
- Anonymous account created
- I signed in with Apple
After these steps in the Appwrite Auth panel, I have 2 different accounts and anonymous is still showing as unverified. No link has been made.
I think this is current issue related to this: https://github.com/appwrite/sdk-for-flutter/issues/30
Wait...this is in flutter?
I’m using Flutter with Rest API right now. I haven’t tried with Appwrite Flutter package. In rest api, maybe I am missing something.
How are you doing oauth with the rest api?
onPressed: () async {
const baseUrl = '${AppwriteConstants.endPoint}/account/sessions/oauth2/apple';
final queryParams = {'project': AppwriteConstants.projectId, 'scope': 'email name'};
final fullUrl = Uri.parse(baseUrl).replace(queryParameters: queryParams);
try {
final responseUrl = await FlutterWebAuth2.authenticate(
url: fullUrl.toString(),
callbackUrlScheme: 'appwrite-callback-${AppwriteConstants.projectId}',
options: const FlutterWebAuth2Options(preferEphemeral: true),
final url = Uri.parse(responseUrl);
final secret = url.queryParameters['secret'];
if (secret == null) throw Exception('Invalid response from OAuth');
} on PlatformException catch (e, st) {
if (e.code == 'CANCELED') return;
onFailureCallback(e, st);
} catch (e, st) {
onFailureCallback(e, st);
child: const Text('Sign in With Apple'),
I think it's similar to how OAuth works in Appwrite. As you can see, there is no cookie passing or anything like that. There's just the projectId passed to OAuth flow.
I did it by taking an example from the code here: https://github.com/appwrite/sdk-for-flutter/blob/cab0a1360fe3c70c27d00154ccf2d3dd6b56e813/lib/src/client_io.dart#L318
Why aren't you using the flutter sdk?
Anyways, this would be the problem. Because the session (cookie) isn't passed Appwrite doesn't know to convert the anonymous session to a regular user
I am using REST Api because I am experimenting offline data sync feature with flutter_data package.
As far as I understand, FlutterWebAuth2 package not allow us to give http headers (as discussed in given issue). I am going to try with regular web view and give cookie header. I will share my work if it works.
My findings:
- FlutterWebAuth2 uses url_launcher and url_launcer does not support headers for all platforms https://github.com/ThexXTURBOXx/flutter_web_auth_2/issues/57#issuecomment-1694749717
- url_launcher does support headers for android only (I guess) https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/61332#issuecomment-698814311
I can't remember why I decided not to use flutter_data...I ended up using the brick package
I think I tried making a custom adapter but it wasn't easy...
Hmm maybe things have changed since I looked at that package
But yes... we've talked about no longer using the web auth 2 package so that we can fully control the tab/window that's opened and we can inject the session if there is one
flutter_data is very confusing and has very steep learning curve but i am still trying to adapt it, maybe i will use brick package if I can not figure out flutter_data.
I have implemented Apple sign in flow with Webview Flutter package and it works as intended but still could not figure out session part of the linking anonymous account.
How should I set cookie header for anonymous linking?
I have tried to this but it is not working:
... // Webview flutter implementation. I am not sharing it because still not working with linking.
Future<void> _signInWithApple() async {
const baseUrl = AppwriteConstants.appleOAuthUrl;
final queryParams = {'project': AppwriteConstants.projectId, 'scope': 'email name'};
final fullUrl = Uri.parse(baseUrl).replace(queryParameters: queryParams);
// TODO() which name and domain should be use here?
await WebViewCookieManager().setCookie(
const WebViewCookie(name: AppwriteConstants.sessionKey, value: '<SESSION>', domain: '<DOMAIN>'),
await _controller.loadRequest(fullUrl);
Refer to this for the cookies: https://appwrite.io/docs/apis/rest#client-integration
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