
fetch documents into Map or List (based on matching index)

  • 1
  • Databases
  • Flutter
3 Nov, 2023, 04:14

I want to build a transaction UI in my flutter app and need to build it via a list of transactions and each transaction has list of data in it.

User is asking for help with fetching documents into a Map or List based on a matching index. They have tried using example code from the documentation but are not getting the expected results. They are specifically looking for help with pagination and building a UI for their Flutter app. They mention that each transaction is a document in the appwrite database and has at least 7 attributes. They request for more details to be provided.
3 Nov, 2023, 06:36

Sorry can you provide some more details?

3 Nov, 2023, 08:45

Each transaction is a document in appwrite database and each documents has at least 7 attributes.

I just hope I provided enough details


3 Nov, 2023, 17:56

ok and?

5 Nov, 2023, 16:48

I want to build a UI from it's results, though I was able to only get first 25, followed the appwrite pagination guide and wasn't able to get next 25 documents

5 Nov, 2023, 17:22

So what's your code for the pagination and what's going wrong?

6 Nov, 2023, 06:20

I copied and paste the example code in documentation, but wasn't getting the next 25 documents

8 Nov, 2023, 00:23

Please share your code and the output


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