
Execution has no response

  • 0
  • Flutter
  • Functions
  • Cloud
28 Oct, 2023, 13:59

Error on Flutter App Terminal

Receiver: Instance of 'Execution'
Tried calling: response```

**Flutter Code**
```Future phoneValidatorExecutor = functions.createExecution(
      functionId: 'priceListID',
      body: jsonEncode("FetchList"),
      xasync: true,
      path: '/',
      method: 'POST',
      headers: {
        'content-type': 'application/json',
    phoneValidatorExecutor.then((response) {
      dynamic decoded = json.decode(response.response);
      if (kDebugMode) {
     List air = decoded["Response"]["air"].values.toList();
    }).catchError((error) {
      if (kDebugMode) {
        print("Error gotten from server: ${error.toString()}");

**Dart Cloud Function Code**
```String requestType = "";
Future<dynamic> main(final context) async {
  context.log('Hello, Logs!');
  context.error('Hello, Errors!');
  requestType = context.log(context.req.bodyRaw);
  if (requestType == "validatorAndPriceList"){
  return context.res.json({
    "Status": normalUsersPriceDetailsSuperSet,
The user is experiencing an issue where their code is throwing a NoSuchMethodError. They are making a function call using `functions.createExecution` but are not receiving a response. The error message suggests that the `Execution` class does not have a `response` property. The user shares their Flutter code and the Cloud Function code they are using. Solution: In the latest version of the SDK, the `Execution` class does not have a `response` property. The user should use the auto-complete feature in their IDE to see what properties are available or refer to the documentation to determine the correct property to use.
28 Oct, 2023, 15:37

In the latest version of the SDK, there is no response property. Either use the auto complete in the IDE to see what properties are available or read the docs

28 Oct, 2023, 15:37

Execution has no response

28 Oct, 2023, 16:08

I used auto complete but couldn't find anything

But is another parts of the codes correct? @Steven

28 Oct, 2023, 16:14

What do you see when you try to auto complete?

28 Oct, 2023, 16:15

Xasync should probably be false if you want the function response right away

28 Oct, 2023, 16:19

hascode runtimeType toString() noSuchMethod

28 Oct, 2023, 16:20

seems the doc has error< some paramters are not defined

28 Oct, 2023, 16:33

Oh it's because you put Future phoneValidatorExecutor...

28 Oct, 2023, 16:33

Change Future to final

28 Oct, 2023, 16:35

Future is short for Future<dynamic>. When you use dynamic, you lose typing info

28 Oct, 2023, 17:09

okay but the function is still not able to use request, I mean how do I receive the request sent to the dart function?

28 Oct, 2023, 17:21

What's your code and what's the auto complete show now?

28 Oct, 2023, 17:23

That sounds like a different question/problem

28 Oct, 2023, 17:30

Also, there are problems with your function code. You're not parsing bodyRaw correctly

28 Oct, 2023, 18:36

did not show related parameter the code is same I just added Future<dynamic>

28 Oct, 2023, 18:36

how do I pass it well?

28 Oct, 2023, 22:08

No...I said DONT do that

29 Oct, 2023, 07:03

i used final, same issue, I even printed runtimeType, it was Future<Execution>

29 Oct, 2023, 15:01

Can you share a screenshot?


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